Listening Experiences

The plaintive strings of this CD [In the Garden of Gethsemane] by Australian concert violinist Mary Masselos will haunt you with their slow and meditative sound. Reminiscent of the sacred music of acclaimed Estonian composer Arvo Pärt, this music is perfect for nighttime listening, when the world has come to rest and we seek restorative calm. The unadorned simplicity of the solo violin reveals the heavenly sound that this instrument can produce, and you will be renewed in spirit as you listen.
(Review courtesy of Adyar Bookshop)
Comments from Workshop Participants

Unusual and powerful experiences of expansion and explosions of light. Healing, enlightening, soothing, mysterious and uplifting. Awakens a response of great beauty, hope and invincibility.
Workshop Participant

Thank you so much for everything! Here’s a few words about Gethsemane [CD]
Sitting at my desk with my head in my hands in a deep depression that had been progressively worsening over several days, I felt I had to do something and googled [the] Gethsemane sound bite, which lasts about a minute.
I shut my eyes and within a few seconds, I felt my sinuses clearing and an expansion in me as I saw [a] king with a gold crown being placed on his head.
When I opened my eyes, the depression had entirely lifted, I felt refreshed, excited and awe inspired by the power of a few seconds of this music. Astonishing.

Of course you won’t remember me from a hole in the ground, but I came to your groups in the Hastings area in Sussex and I bought ‘The Musical Path” on cassette tape! Back then it was about the last copy of it you had and you said to me that you were a Healer and…that you weren’t going to do any more albums. For years after that my life got too nuts to look you up anywhere, but I played ‘The Musical Path’ often and it got me through some dark times.
So glad to hear your new music [Radiant Space Series CDs], it’s still got all the spontaneity of leaping firelight and it still lights many paths less travelled, or less travelled by such as I!
Great to hear more music from you…

When music is so beautiful, as this is, it goes to the very source of being.
Celia Novy: Theosophical Society, Sydney

Client & Student Experiences

Mary Masselos is a pioneer who enables us to hear Consciousness sound itself in every musical tone.
‘Sounds as pure tones are archetypal’… Playing ‘on us, through us, with us, within us’ they ‘provide entry to the normally hidden areas of the psyche and to different levels of consciousness’…leading us to a well of musical gnosis. This modern way of consciousness accords with ancient law and emergent trends in today’s science and depth psychology.
The Jungian reconciliation of opposites in ourselves through music is a keystone of Mary’s method. There is a simplicity to its doing that defies its description in words as I can attest to myself. This is a work that cannot be grasped just by reading. Its import has to be experienced to be known.
Claire Dunne: Broadcaster/producer; author of Carl Jung: Wounded Healer of the Soul

There is beauty in the simplicity of using the individual tones…which is the magic. When I go within during the first listening, I get a sense of what it does for me in stimulating emotions [as well as] physical, mental and spiritual sensations.
As I am listening to the improvisation I am aware of its harmonising effect, and have perceived others as well who are helped [to] reconcile their emotional turmoil and conflicting responses through the amazing musical notes.
During the [improvised] melody the penny drops; like looking at… exploding and imploding stars of light and dark.
Allan Redpath: Psychotherapist; social worker; singer

The more I study and practise the Seven Tone Healing Method™ the more often I have the feeling that synchronistic events have been planned somehow, and the phenomena of ‘subconscious intention’ does enter our lives at the appropriate time.
The healing properties of the individual tonal sounds are definitely unique and remind me of Paramahansa Yogananda who wrote: ‘Carry a portable paradise within you wherever you go.’
I have found the Seven Tone Healing Method to be a simple, effective and naturally mobile practice that can be utilised whenever the necessity arises. It has helped me physically, mentally and emotionally to develop inner strength, stability and calmness during periods of disconnectedness and anxiety.
The practice has provided me with a positive image of someone opening windows to let in the light and air, to expose a previously ‘closed’ room.
Elaine Parma: Recreational Activities Officer; Singer; Pianist

I experienced my first ‘tone test’ in late January 1999, when…I met Mary and was first introduced to her unique and extraordinary method of music healing and self-transformation known as the Seven Tone Healing Method™.
I had learned the name of the white keys of the piano…when I was eight years old and first started piano lessons. However, in the ensuing 25 years between completing schooling, a degree in music, becoming a secondary school music teacher and a registered music therapist, it never occurred to me that these seemingly ordinary notes…are as different from each other as the earth and the sea. Each of these beautiful tones has its own unique qualities and healing properties.
What the tones have in common however, is that they are all imbued with divine love and when played with loving intent have the capacity to illuminate and transform those areas in our lives that need awareness, love and acceptance.
Mary had the realisation that the tones are powerful and affect the human being in a profound way. She has been working with them ever since to help people find their own inner light.
Robina Day: Psychologist; Registered Music Therapist; Secondary School Music Teacher

It changed my life. It brought me to the point of understanding peace. It’s been amazing, changed my attitude to living and put me in touch with my higher self. Able to see the bigger picture, I always had faith, but now I really know it.
‘The Infant Sun’ music played at a workshop prepared me. I asked for the dark cloud over my head to be removed. I felt really cold and upset and the woman sitting next to me saw that I wasn’t breathing and she said, Breathe! It was like death and re-birth. It felt bad for three days then the cloud lifted.
Then I met my neighbour who told me that her friend in New Zealand studied genealogy as a hobby. I had been trying to find my mother for ten years, but Government sources had not been able to trace her. I contacted the friend and within three days he found my brother in New Zealand, who rang me immediately and gave me my mother’s number in Sydney. I used the method of intoning to understand my feelings and to give me courage to ring my mother.
The tones got me in touch with a sensitivity to higher energies. I know now about the timing of the universe: IT’S ALL ABOUT TIMING.
Workshop participant