Music the Healer
Music the Healer gives a detailed account of the Seven Tone Healing Method and its use in music therapy. The book includes numerous case studies, exercises for self-observation, detailed comments on the art of improvisation and suggestions for further therapeutic applications.
The work reflects the author’s extensive study and application of diverse schools of thought that have resulted in the development of the method.
The book was born out of a deep love of music and the healing power music can bring to the individual. It is intended not only for musicians but also for anyone with an innate love of music’s many mysteries.
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What Readers Say

I have personally found Mary’s method a stimulating experience and consider her contribution to the field of therapy most valuable.
Jungian Analyst & Author, Jung’s Personal Secretary from 1955-1961 & Collaborator on his Autobiographical
Memories, Dreams, Reflections.
Aniela Jaffé

This book has a sparkling quality…the method has helped me in all aspects of my life, above all in achieving personal happiness.
Specialist Nurse.
Cathy Morrison

This book has changed my life - the practice of the method has benefited not only me but also my clients.
Musicologist, Registered Music Therapist.
Cecily Cox

Mary Masselos is a pioneer who enables us to hear Consciousness sounding itself in every musical tone.
Broadcaster / Producer, Author of Carl Jung: Wounded Healer of the Soul.
Claire Dunne

Music the Healer is a creative, straightforward and potent tool that utilises tonal sound for holistic healing and transformation of an individual's life from the inside out.
Recreational Activities Officer, Singer, Pianist.
Elaine Parma

The Seven Tone Healing Methodâ„¢ outlined in this inspiring book can change the face of therapy worldwide.
Former International Concert Pianist; Jungian Analyst, Author & Founder of the British & Irish Sandplay Society.
Joel Ryce-Menuhin

Sessions with Mary and studying her book have given me experiences of realms that I had hitherto only read about, an experience of a reality that cannot be expressed in words. This is a precious knowing given with compassion and generosity.
Mathematician, Teacher, Academic Writer & Editor.
Olive Mason

The Radiant Space CD Series
The music on the CDs is like perfume in that the fragrance - the effect - is different on each person. As I play, I intuitively receive the music which directly connects with the needs of the listener.
It is through listening to the music that insights are developed in the form of vivid pictures, memories or archetypal symbols, which may be explored at a deep level and their symbolic content interpreted.
One may listen to an entire CD or only parts of it at any one sitting - be guided by your own inclination. One can ask questions before or while listening to receive insights that provide specific help and clarity on issues of concern.
Each insight is an illumination, the light and life of which come into being like a tinder that is struck by the fiery power of the tones making up the music.
In my healing work, I have found that particular tones resonate with particular archetypal images. The music then becomes a bridge to different planes of awareness and may transport the individual to a greater perception of intrinsic truth, strength and beauty.
With repeated listening, the CDs will unveil deeper emotions and their hidden meanings.
The music has been improvised and performed with an appreciation and deep understanding of the inherent power within each tone, which has its origins in ancient mythology.
Add any 3 CDs to your cart and use coupon code 'cdtrio' to get 3 for the price of 2!
Please click on each CD cover image below for more information and sound bites

Listening Guidelines
1. Free the mind and body of any tension, preparing oneself for meditation.
2. Decide to be passive or active in the experience of listening:
3. If passive:
(a) Just relax and let the music speak to you, taking you where it will. Allow the sounds to wash over you; trusting they will do their healing work and find the hidden places in your mind, body and soul.
(b) At this point you may want to fall asleep, feel free to do so - the music then is absorbed at that level.
(c) If you are more alert and want to follow the images as they arise, you could just watch them coming and going like an original movie being created especially for you.
(d) Still in the passive stage, but now becoming more stimulated by the images, you may want to follow a particular figure or situation. It is quite fun to allow the play of energies in your mind and see the effect on your emotional and physical bodies. You may find in this deeply refreshing altered state of consciousness that you have solved a troublesome challenge in your life without even trying.
4. If active:
(a) If feeling physically energetic, move to the music with grand movements, powerful dancing or light steps. Let the tones direct your movements.
(b) Imagine that your aura is expanding to touch the walls and ceiling of your room, and beyond to the edges of the ever expanding universe.
(c) The music encourages an inner freedom that connects you with your own inner rhythm.
(d) As you experience this inner freedom, you may observe light arising in yourself. You may sometimes see shadows flit across your inner vision. Simply observe and let them go - they are but phantoms of the past and, like all illusion, will disappear once revealed.
(e) Observe the play of light and dark on your aura.
(f) Allow anything to emerge - aches, pains, emotional wounds, anger, malicious feelings - let nothing remain hidden or unknown to you. This is the time to face our negative thoughts which haunt and trick us into delusion.
5. If you still want to be active and have specific questions to ask, formulate these as clearly and succinctly as possible, meditate on them for a few moments focussing your awareness in the heart and third eye centres before listening to the music, then forget them. Let the music wash over you, and allow the response(s) to arise.
Be aware, however, that the heart centre holds memories of past fears, which prevent it from opening to compassion for all beings - including yourself. Again, let go of such thoughts.